To answer a question wisely like a topper in board exam is what you want learn. So, in this article we're going to talk about those specific things. That you need to do in order to write high scoring answers.

Has it ever happened to you that you know everything, you're very well prepared and you just don't score well on your exam? And did you know that having mastery over your subject and scoring well in your exams are two really different things?

How To Answer A Question In Board Exam (Tips & Rules)
How To Answer A Question In Board Exam (Tips & Rules)

So, let's get going.

Hey, this is Nandan Verma and you're reading this article on Toppers Social Science.

I met with principals and examiner's and also analysed past papers of toppers over several years.

So in the article we're going to cover two things:

  1. Exam to-dos: What are those things you need to do as soon as you get into that examination hall?
  2. Paper presentation strategies and specific tips for you to present your science, social studies, maths, English or any other paper.

The exam to-dos before we answer a question.

And the first is the timing. As soon as you get your paper, divide the total time between each question, leaving 15 minutes at the end for revision.

Now perhaps you have 10 short answer type questions and you want to put 40 minutes for them. And perhaps you have three to five long answer type questions for about five marks or ten marks. And you want to keep an hour or an hour and a half for that.

Now you could perhaps do this even before when you're doing your practice papers for revision. You can plan out the timings and as soon as you go into the hall. Write the timings down next to each question.

You're aware, sometimes we spend so much time writing the first few short answers so beautifully and neatly. And by the time we reach the last ten mark answer we are rushing through it. And missing out on marks over there.

So, wear a wrist watch. Don't depend on the wall clock. And if your time is running out, leave the question and move forward.

The second thing in the exam to do before we answer a question.

Read the question twice and also notice the command word at the beginning of every question. And read the entire sentence twice because ‘distinguish’ is different from list and ‘describe’ is different from give advantages of.

Now, sometimes we are in so much excitement and we read the first few words of the question and we jump right into answering it. Because we've seen a familiar question before. This is a trap, be very careful.

And the third thing to do in the exam is for CBSE and ICSE students.

If you get a question in your paper that you think is out of your syllabus, please attempt it. It has happened in the past that the examiners discovered that the question was out of syllabus and they decided to give marks to the student who attempted it irrespective of whether it was right or wrong.

So, if you have no negative marking on your paper, please attempt every single question.

Now, we all know that content is king but presentation and creating the right first impression go a long way. So, let's begin with your science and social sciences paper.

Now try answering the question in the first line itself of the answer directly. For example, a science question is, ‘List three characteristics of lungs which make it an efficient respiratory surface’. Start your answer with the characteristics of lungs which make it an efficient respiratory surface.

For example, in a social science question, ‘Why did Gandhiji decide to call off the non-cooperation movement?’. Begin the answer with ‘Gandhiji decided to call off the non-cooperation movement because’.

Now, once we finish these first sentences, give the rest of the answer in points in an orderly fashion preferably with the most important point right up in the beginning.

Tips to write answers in board exams.

When answering objective type questions, underline the answer or the main keyword or you can put a box around it. You can also highlight, underline, draw boxes around important points.

For example, a social science question is, ‘Name a political party in India that grew out of a movement’. Answer, ‘The political party in India that grew out of a movement is AIADMK’ and put a box around AIADMK.

Notice how we rephrase the question and wrote it as a complete statement. We didn't just put the answer right there even though it was an objective type question. If the question is to distinguish between, then answer the question in columns.

If it's a 2-mark question write about four points and try giving examples. Always use a pencil and ruler for making the columns. If the question is for five marks most often you would be expected to write about five points and always summarize in the last sentence.

In science draw diagrams if possible. Use a sharp pencil, draw neat diagrams and label them also. Remember to give a proper title to each diagram in social sciences. If you have map work please put the question number on the top left corner of the map and circle it.

How to present a paper in board exam?

And now let's see paper presentation strategies for our math papers.

The first thing you do when you get a map paper is write down all the information that's given in the question in the same order. The format for a math answer should be given to find formulae, proof format and the answer in units in math.

Even if your answer is correct but you forget to write the units that could be a costly mistake like centimetres or rupees. And if there are no specified units in the question then write your answer as 12 units.

For example, always put the final answer in a box. If there are tables required to be drawn in the math paper, always draw them using a pencil and a ruler.

Rules for writing board exam.

Now for all subjects, when you get your exam answer sheet draw a margin on the left-hand side. Because when you attach your supplementary sheets something that you write in the corner on the left-hand side of your paper actually won't be so clearly visible.

And in the math paper, I would suggest you, draw margin on the right-hand side as well so you can use that for rough work as you're solving this question. And you don't have to keep flipping back to the last page of your answer booklet.

But remember to cross out the rough work when you finished answering that question. If there is a graph paper make sure you write the question number on the graph paper and also the scale. Mark and label the axis. And when you are attaching this graph paper to your sheets, don't attach it right at the end. Because sometimes it's a single sheet that could tear off. Put it in the middle of your supplementary sheets and tie a thread. Preferably keep it right next to the question itself.

How to answer English Paper in Board Exam?

Now let's take a look at your English paper. If you have reading comprehension, always read the questions before you read the passage. That way you know what information you're looking for when you read the passage.

In the writing section if you have to write a letter format, for example, always pay specific attention to the word limit.

General tips on how to present exam paper neatly.

Okay, now some general tips on paper presentation which would apply to all subjects.

  • Try to write as neatly and legibly as possible.
  • Leave spaces and if you cut something out, just use one line to cut it out.
  • Don't make a whole spiderweb on it.
  • Try to leave a line between two answers.
And what I've noticed in the toppers papers is that at the end of every question they actually draw a line to tell the examiner that the answer is complete.

Okay one of the questions on your mind is ‘Should I answer the questions in the same order in which they are presented to me in the exam paper?’. And the answer is, ‘Yes’. You should. You can sort of do one section. Let's say you do section A and then if you don't want to do section B you can go to section C if you want to.

But when you start a section, answer all the questions in that in serial order. And if you don't know a particular answer, leave a few lines for it and go back to it later and fill it in another place.

Board Exam Paper Presentation

I found people losing marks for when they were giving extra information. Now, there was this question which said ‘Give advantages of an AC current’ and I found that the student had beautifully written all the advantages. But in his excitement in the end went and said disadvantages of AC current.

One, two and three and the examiner unfortunately did not give him full marks.

Now another tip would be to write your paper in only black or blue ink and not green or red. Because that's what examiner's use and don't use SMS or short form kind of language. Try to use as many scientific and technical terms as you can.

Now when you're revising your paper at the end, remember we left 15minutes to revise the paper. One of the things for you to do is go back to the question paper and tick off all the questions that you answer to be sure that you haven't accidentally left something.

And the second area where I find people make mistakes, is they accidentally write the wrong question number. So always check that for your answer you've written the right question number next to it.

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