Have you ever thought how important is it to study social science?

You will, perhaps, say there are many reasons to study social science. But I've seen many students fearing social studies or history. They think social science is a boring subject thinking that it is all about dates, names, times and numbers. They surely think these things will be of no use to them in their daily life.

You will surely agree that there are many reasons that students need to study and understand the past of their country.

As a human being it is necessary to know where our forefathers came from and how they made the country in which we are living today. It is really very necessary to know the mistakes we made centuries or years ago, but students often relate their studies based on their future career aspirations.

Why study Social Science?

You must agree that the study of social science not only helps students solve their present problems but also it helps them choose their most important ideals and realize who they are as citizens.
It is not enough to just know or remember the timeline of the history of a particular country, as a human being or as the citizens of a country, they need to know how they got the present shape or status that they are enjoying today. They need to understand exactly why they fought so many wars in the past, how they became colonies, how they became independent and how so many popular struggles and movements were started and why they failed or succeeded.

What is the Importance Of Social Science
Importance Of Social Science in our life

You need to wear the shoes of our forefathers and try to understand their ideas and thoughts when they were alive and struggling for some reasons.

In fact we came to be recognized as a great nation only by the patient efforts of our forefathers.
Their past/history gives us clear ideas and insights to understand our present.

Nobody wants to repeat the same mistakes again and again, so it is very useful to learn from our past mistakes. The best way to learn how we can avoid repeating the same mistake is learning from the mistake when it was first made, because by studying the circumstances and choices that could have been made instead, we develop our own ideas.

It will be very helpful for our present and future leaders while making better decisions for our country today if they study how the past leaders handled a traitor,  fight between states, a decision that does not do any good to the country and a law that is against the will of the people.

If we really study social science carefully, it becomes crystal clear to us that our past is related to our present and future. If we learn about our great past leaders; where they got inspiration and motivation from, how they faced challenges, then we can use and apply this to our nation at present.

Learn Social Science Regularly

Today many teenagers of present generations get attracted to a large number of careers related to engineering, military, politics and travel industry. They may choose to be doctors, archaeologists, anthropologists, curators of museums, ambassadors and even public relations professionals. They sometimes even find their passion in history and social studies and choose to teach it to the students of the coming generations.

All these career aspirations require the knowledge of our country's past, and after having that knowledge they will advance within their careers.

The study of social science is not only necessary for those who choose these career paths, but for all the citizens of a country. Because nobody can deny that when a person understands what his country's past is, he can understand what his country is.

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